Its apparently been 10 years since we had an official White Christmas in Halifax, so with a sunny day and nothing left that needed to be done at home, ...
First Kayak of the season
It was like being on a deserted lake, Long Lake Provincial Park was nearly empty, of boaters and people. Seagulls were my only companion, and it was ...
New Horton, New Brunswick
We have spent years visiting the Fundy Coast of New Brunswick, to this day we have not seen it all, sure we have stopped at local museums, and shops, ...
Long Lake Park Fall 2019
Long Lake Provincial Park located in Spryfield, off of Old Sambro road is the largest park in the city. Most of the park is undeveloped but in 2016 ...
First Kayak of the season
We got out today for our first Kayak at Long Lake Park today, wonderful paddle up to Goat Island. It's always great to get out on the water for the ...
Spruce Hill Lake
Spruce Hill Lake, Halifax Spruce Hill lake is a fairly large lake with an old dam on the east side of the lake there is a small old road leading ...
Visiting Hobarts Beach, Hants County, Nova Scotia
We made a quick stop at Hobarts Beach near Summerville, Hants County, Nova Scotia. Nice typical Bay of Fundy beach, mud sea grass and rocks, but the ...
Long Lake Park Hike
Went for a nice hike at Long Lake Park today, very warm day for Thanksgiving, wished we had brought bathing suites. The water was so calm that we ...
A visit to Cape d’Or
Cape D'or is located just outside Advocate Harbour on route 209 which takes you from Parrsboro to River Hebert. Cape D'or is on a high rocky coast ...
Long lake park thanksgiving hike
Wonderful day for a hike along the Long lake trail ...